Manage & share church events from one central place

No more using third-party tools to build community within your church.

You can create, track, and promote events right in your Subsplash Dashboard and automatically sync everything with your app and website.

Book a Demo



Build gospel-centered community

Simple event payments

Whether you’re hosting a conference, concert, or camp, it’s easy to collect payments for events right in your Subsplash Dashboard. Transactions are processed through Subsplash Giving to keep all of your financial data in one central place.

Event Payments

Flexible forms & settings

Customize every event to meet the unique needs of your community with custom ticket types and prices, custom questions, attendee limits, and more.

Flexible forms & settings

Let event engagement drive your database

Anyone who registers for your events will be automatically added to your database in the Subsplash Platform, ensuring you have access to the most up-to-date information about your people.

Let event engagement drive your database

“Subsplash makes it so easy to create a beautiful app with videos, podcasts, and events - and their support is wonderful.”

—Jenn, Cottonwood Church

Client spotlight: Anthem Ventura


Only available on Subsplash One

Subsplash Events is just one of the many powerful church engagement tools that is available on Subsplash One.

Subsplash One is the single solution for digital engagement—it brings together all the tools your team needs to engage, grow, and connect your community on one powerful platform.


Serving churches and ministries around the world

Thousands of churches and ministries of all sizes trust Subsplash, including 50 of the 100 largest churches in America.
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Get started with Subsplash Events today!


Connect with us today to discover how Subsplash Events can take your church's event registration to a new level!
(All form fields are required.)