Stay connected with Groups & Messaging
With Subsplash, you can create a group and invite people to start connecting in less than 1 minute!
The best part? Your church’s content and message stay front and center—whether in your mobile app or on your website. That’s the power of engaging your community with the only unified platform built to help you know and grow your people.
A new and better way to build connection!
A simple and powerful tool for knowing who’s engaging with your community
We’re taking community insights to the next level with People, one of the latest additions to the Subsplash Platform.
This powerful tool will help you invite people to build deeper connections with one another by providing you with the most up-to-date information about how they’re engaging with your church, including their Messaging activity history and which groups they belong to.
Powerful group connection and communication
Community engagement is vital for building authentic communities, and with Groups we’re giving you everything you need to grow and connect your community!
Groups offers robust management and messaging capabilities, allowing you to effortlessly communicate with your groups and connect people to small groups and specific ministries—all from an easy-to-use dashboard.
Subsplash Messaging on the web
Experience communication without limits! Whether on a computer, tablet or mobile device, authentic engagement and community-building opportunities are now accessible everywhere.
It’s more than just messages
Need a place to ask for prayer, organize small groups, or share Bible verses and sermons?
Just create a new message and send it to your private or public channels!
Other members will be able to see everything in one place and share real, relational experiences as a community through group messaging, polls, prayer requests, and more.
One place to keep your content and engage your community
No more managing multiple tools and utilizing dozens of software solutions.
Subsplash Messaging seamlessly integrates with your church’s mobile app, allowing your community to both stay connected with each other and engage with your content all in one place.
“I see Subsplash Messaging being crucial for any church, any size, any culture. Good communication transcends culture—Really exciting potential for any church.
—Bert Alcorn, Anthem Ventura
Client spotlight: Anthem Ventura
Only available with Subsplash custom mobile apps
Subsplash Messaging is just one of the many powerful church engagement tools that is available on the Subsplash Platform.
Stay connected with your community anytime, anywhere with a custom mobile app found in every major app store. Powerful features like audio and video streaming, push notifications, and in-app giving will help increase engagement and make disciples.